
About me, this blog, more me, etc.

Rule number one, always carry a book (or a Nook).

I’m a library director, a total nerd (those things do not necessarily go hand in hand), a baseball fan, a clotheshorse, a voracious reader, a knitter/crocheter/sewist), an enthusiastic baker, and a Francophile. I like to know what’s going on in the world, and I can get just as worked up about politics as I can about an item of clothing. I love to travel and learn new things, meet new people, and encounter new ideas. There’s all kind of trivia about everything floating around my brain, which is exactly how I like it.


The URL of this blog comes from a quote by Jeremy Bentham: “Natural rights is simple nonsense: natural and imprescriptible rights, rhetorical nonsensenonsense upon stilts.” Like Mr. Bentham, I embrace the idea that something can be so absurd that it resides on a higher plane of ridiculousness. Unlike him, I am totally on board with the idea that people gain rights just by existing. The content of the site changes depending on my feelings that day, the phase of the moon, and what stupid things humanity has been up to lately.

The current title of this blog (Join my country!) comes from my favorite way to invite somebody to participate in my shenanigans (I’m almost always up to some sort of shenanigans). I started saying this in college and have found no reason to stop.

I like books, baking,word games, abject groveling apologies, any combination of pomegranate and alcohol, sports, butter, music, television, children, pretty shoes, unintentionally bad movies, traveling, makeup, the Internet, and corn.

I hate coconut, things that remind me of coconut, ear wax, exercise for the sake of exercise, doing my taxes, losing things, people who walk too slowly, and the phrase “to make a long story short.”


The last occasion that I found my nephew cute.

I do not represent anybody’s opinion but my own here. Nothing that I write should be construed as reflecting the opinions, beliefs, or thoughts of my employers/lovahs/friends/family/etc.

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