Category: Amazing people

Charity destash

Joy, my friend and one of the greatest beings on this planet, is raising money for Team in Training by selling off her fabulous collection of yarn (you will need a Ravelry account to read the last link). Please join me in buying her stuff and raising money for a truly worthy cause. If you don’t knit or crochet, you can learn. I will give two free knit or crochet lessons to anybody who buys at least $20 worth of yarn from Joy. If you don’t want to learn (and why not?!), you can also just give the yarn to me. True story.

Sometimes I really really love people

The fabulous Mary Pols (@MaryPols on Twitter), tipped her hat to Dan Barry (@DanBarryNYT), a New York Times writer who’d written a piece on the heating oil hardship Mainers are experiencing this winter. He focused on an aging family who live on a small income, and the owner of the oil delivery company, who struggles to reconcile the financial concerns of his business with his caring nature. I got a little teary-eyed reading the article, but actually starting crying (like, requiring tissues and nose-blowing crying) when I read the follow-up in a Maine newspaper, about how people from all over the country had donated to a local assistance fund, to the tune of six figures on one day alone! The article came out on Saturday, and Americans from all of the country responded to the need they read about.

I am so encouraged when I read things like this! It’s easy to get the impression that the entire world is made up of jerks who only look out for themselves and a small circle of others, and I’m always so grateful to be reminded that this is not always true. It’s probably not even mostly true. It’s times like this that I appreciate the reminder the most people are decent, it’s just that jerks like to trumpet their own awfulness, while people who do things for others are not as likely to throw it in everyone’s faces.

Even my beer thinks it’s turtleneck weather


The fabulous Carrie made me this gorgeous beer cozy. Well, she didn’t make it specifically for me, but I did have the good fortune to claim it in the gift exchange. Yay.

She also made the star ornament that was tied on the outside of the bag in which she had placed the beer (also known as a cleverly folded page from Sunday’s Times, a little worse for wear after being toted from NYC to my house.).

How awesome. One gift, many gift ideas!

I love a happy ending

I know, I know, their story isn’t over yet, but I think it’s amazing how many adverse situations this couple went through to be together AND achieve their professional goals. I wish them all the best.

Do NOT mess with the cheerleader

It’s amazing enough that a 16 year old girl was able to tackle and subdue a shoplifter, but the fact that she did it in a strapless dress is, to me, by far the craziest part of this story.

I could get behind this

These elderly (but spry!) Japanese cheerleaders are inspiring, especially because I probably won’t start exercising again until I’m at least their age.

Yay for Sportsmanship!

Awwww. Maybe it’s an excess of girly hormones or something, but this article definitely made me cry. Not mist, not tear up; just flat out cry. What’s not to love about a well-to-do softball team being willing to forfeit so that they could help a disadvantaged team who’d never play learn the game? Awesomely, every adult featured in the article sounds sane, which isn’t always the case with high school sports. I salute the parenting and teaching skills of the adults in all of these kids’ lives, because they seem to be great people, too.

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