Category: Vampire Diaries

This is why Atlanta rocks

(Written while I was still in ATL, hence the present tense.)

Why doesn’t stuff like this happen to me at home?

I’m in town to hang out with the fabulous Joy and take in an Ingrid Michaelson show (omniscient future-living editor: it was awesome). This is what we encountered at our pre-show meal.

The opening act was Scars on 45, who were really good. I didn’t know their name, but recognized one of their songs from an episode of The Vampire Diaries. Best show on tv right now, and you can just keep it to yourself if you don’t agree.

Vampire Diaries

You guys, why didn’t you tell me how awesome Vampire Diaries is???

Okay, I know that some of you tried. Buy why didn’t you try harder????

This show is hilarious, well-written, and well-acted, and the cast is gorgeous (the 16-year-old in me swoons over Baby Boreanaz, aka Paul Wesley). I’m sure that some people may assume that my like for this show is based on how much I love (the first 5.5 seasons of) Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but no. This is just another good show that happens to deal with vampires. And witches. And I’m thinking possibly werewolves, too. And Bianca Lawson also appeared on this show for a couple of episodes. Hmmm. Well, they never claimed to have reinvented the wheel, right?

Perhaps my favorite thing is the lack of ridiculous footwear on these supposed high school students. Yay for realism!

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