Posts tagged: Commercials

Okay, but how do I get him to respond to me?

I’ve pretty much abandoned Twitter, so as not to use up my lifetime allotment of words before I exit my 20s, but I’m almost tempted to go back. Why? Because Isaiah Mustafa, aka the Old Spice Guy, aka Nicole’s Future Husband, sometimes responds to people. Now, looking at the usernames, you’ll see that these people are all celebrities (of both the Real and Internet varieties). It almost makes me want to write my brilliant novel years ahead of schedule, just to bring me to the notice of the Old Spice people, so that I’d get my own personal message.


More terrifying than the original

I never got those Toyota “Saved by Zero” ads. How is 0% financing going to save you if you probably shouldn’t be buying a car in the first place? I mean, I guess you’ll appreciate the extra three months before it gets repossessed, but you know that buying a car in this economic climate probably wasn’t a good idea in the first place. Plus, that song is just horrible. So annoying. I don’t usually look up during commercials, so it took me a long time to even understand what was being said. “Day five zero?” Probably not, but that was the strongest contender early on.

Anyway, I’ve come to learn that I’m not the only person who find these commercials ridiculous. Consumerist posted a pretty hilarious mashup of these commercials with the horror movie The Ring. Enjoy.


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