Dream on, Jumpstreet!
Yay! Veronica Mars is getting way better. I’m more than halfway through season 1 now, and we’ve gotten to the point where Logan is a much friendlier psychopath. He’s still nuts, but now he uses all those psychoses for the good of the people he likes. It’s pretty great. I really always loved the Veronica-Logan pairing, and it’s great that they spent so much time subtly altering his character so that, by the time the two of them got together, it wasn’t jarring and unexpected. I contrast this with the way that the Chuck Bass character was rehabbed rather quickly by the Gossip Girl writers. I actually adore Chuck now, but it’s not believable how the guy who tried to rape two girls in the first episode is somehow now this hardened, but secretly sweet, sorta-hero. Also, the VM production values have increased appreciably (now, when characters travel by car, the scenery they pass is real), which is definitely adding to my enjoyment.