All I Want for Christmas

Do you know what today is? I’m not talking about Black Friday, the mere thought of which fills me with dread. I am referring to the first official day of the holiday shopping season. No matter what those yahoo merchants tried to make you believe up until now, this is the real beginning of good deals and increasingly-ridiculous sales. In deference to this new season, I’ve decided to make it easier for people to buy things for me. I know, I know, I’m so thoughtful.

So, secret admirer/dear friend/deranged stalker/unknown benefactor, here follows my Christmas list, so that you don’t have to resort to reading my email or going through my trash (or, horrors, actually asking me) to find out what I want.

  1. Some knitting workshops so I can spend even more time and money not finishing things. I’m particularly interested in the classes at the Lion Brand Yarn Studio and Purl Soho.
  2. Yarn!! I have so much yarn stashed that I no longer allow myself to buy yarn if it’s not for a specific project. That is responsible, but very boring. Enable me! Please note that yarn made primarily of any natural fiber will do just splendidly. The yarn’s weight doesn’t matter, as I can always find something to knit with whatever I’m given.
  3. Lots and lots of books, so that I have a semi-intelligent way to procrastinate when I should be knitting. I’ll read just about any type of fiction and most cookbooks and biographies, but if you’re not sure, you can do the safe thing and purchase something from my Amazon wishlist.
  4. No clothes.
  5. Unless they’re fancy fancy dresses. One can never have too many fancy dresses.
  6. Jewelry. I love earrings, and I’ve been wearing yellow gold lately,  but I still have a decent amount of white gold, too, so knock yourself out and get whatever you like the best.
  7. Music. I like pretty much anything, and I haven’t bought many albums that came out after 2008, so it’s safe to assume that I do not own anything you’d think of getting me. iTunes/Amazon music gift cards are also appreciated.
  8. Fragrances! I love subtle perfumes. My go-to scent is Chanel’s Chance Eau Fraiche, but I also like other scents, such as Calvin Klein’s Crave (I think it’s unisex, but if it’s not, the one intended for men).
  9. I know that I actually thought I hated gift cards, but having endured a few birthdays and holidays without them has shown me the error of my ways. If you don’t know what to get me, and none of the other options appeal, a gift card is the way to go. I will appreciate it greatly, and won’t read anything into your refusal to make one decision and then stand behind it (promise!).

For everybody else: should my boyfriend/brother/dad/mom ask you what he/she should get me, pick a number that seems appropriate, and run with it.

Note: I reserve the right to amend and/or update this list at any time.

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