Posts tagged: Patrick Swayze

Oh, to have a Johnny!

I’m off of work today, and I’ve spent a large part of it working on the baby blanket I’m knitting. I like to have something on the TV when I’m knitting, so that I don’t get completely bored during the repetitive parts of the pattern. So I was flipping channels and came across Dirty Dancing. Dirty Dancing!!! I love this movie so much, it doesn’t even make sense. It’s one of those movies, like The Cutting Edge and The Princess Bride, that I will watch whenever I come across it, no matter how far in the movie is. Patrick Swayze was amazing in this movie. I mean, I have to give Jennifer Grey her due, too, because her baby is so moving, but this was all about Swayze. He’s tender, hot, tough, and pretty much the reason that good girls go after the bad guys. We’re looking for Johnny Castle.

This movie is so amazing. It seems like a bit of fluff, but if you stop to think about it, Dirty Dancing tackles issues such as class and gender issues, generational changes, AND has a kickass soundtrack. I actually stopped knitting a bunch of times to sigh, smile, squee, and then get up and dance my butt off. SO GOOD. Here’s what I’ve been working on today:

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