Posts tagged: Questions

I must have a habit of asking odd questions

I was talking on the phone with my friend Elizabeth, and was trying to describe to her something that is online, so we both went to our computers. She noticed that I’d sent her a message on Facebook, and that my message ended with a request for her favorite color. I love love love that she is so used to my oddness and non sequiturs that she didn’t think I actually wanted to know the answer. When I asked her again, and she realized that I was serious, she was amused, but answered. There’s a pair of yellow socks in her future…

Burning questions

A lot of ideas and questions enter my mind right before I go to sleep. Sometimes, upon waking, I remember these. Other times, I forget them, and then spend the rest of the next day convinced that I thought of and then discarded the next Slankie or something. And then that thought keeps me up at night as well…sometimes, I just can’t win.

navy-seals-adToday, though, I remembered what I was wondering about last night. Have you ever seen those pictures of a seemingly unoccupied nature scene that say something like “There are 17 ninja Navy Seal Secret Service agents in this picture.”? The image on the right is one such ad. I want to know if they’re telling the truth, and there really are elite soldiers in this picture, or if they’re lying to me, and I’m being a big sucker for even wondering. Does anybody else ever think about this?

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