Category: Seriously Random

Now you know who’s [NOT whose] to blame

It’s not my fault! Teaneck public schools made me this way!

What’s currently cracking me up

I’m a sucker for a good meme, and right now Anti-Joke Chicken is kind of ruling my world.

Tell no one

Can you keep a secret?

I haven’t abandoned the Internet, but I’ve actually been pretty busy for the last few days, making a new web site for my library. This is still in rough (rough rough) shape, so don’t show it to all and sundry.  The library’s current site is somewhat eye-bleedy, so my first order of business was to set up a WordPress site. Why WordPress?

  1. I use WordPress on all my sites now.
  2. It’s ridiculously easy.
  3. All files are on the cloud, so I can update from anywhere (including my phone)! Great for snow days, etc.
  4. I have no interest in spending a ton of time coding.

Although this initial transfer of data is pretty labor-intensive (especially because I’m trying to decide what’s going to make the move and what won’t), it’s actually somewhat entertaining. I may be overdoing the whole minimalism bit, but I think that this is a definite step up from this. I’m not going for the best web site ever, just something logical and organized and less busy than before. At the rate I’m going, I should be finished by the end of the week. Also, since this is the most time I’ve spend with WordPress in a while, I’ve learned a lot of valuable stuff that I will be able to use on both of my web sites. So: an update in look is in the near future.

(Cue the gleeful, evil cackling…)

I just don’t know

Elton John and his husband have a new baby. Yay! Their new baby lives next door to them…yay?

On the one hand, I totally get it. Babies are so freaking cute, but they’re also loud and smelly. So I get not wanting to be in close quarters with them. But putting the kiddo and his nannies in the apartment next door? Seems a little cold-blooded to me. Still, I’d be lying if I said this option wouldn’t tempt me if I had a baby.

Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?

Wayne Brady holds a special place in my heart. He has been a part of some really funny pop culture moments, and seems to have an excellent sense of the ridiculous.

Here’s his epic Chapelle Show appearance:

And a recent Funny or Die skit that he did with Mike Tyson, where they did a frame by frame recreation of Bobby Brown’s 80s-licious video for “Every Little Step I Take.”

For comparison’s sake, here is the original Bobby Brown video:

Things like this are why I always smile when I think of Wayne Brady.

(Via New York Magazine)

Not the Onion II

I don’t even understand how this is a real headline: Knox Jolie-Pitt Looks Like His Parents


Is the volcanic ash no longer sexy, now that transatlantic flights have resumed? Did the Pirates’ 20 – 0 drubbing at the hands of the Brewers not do it for the folks at The Huffington Post? I’m wracking my brain here for an explanation of this completely obvious headline that looks for all the world like it belongs at The Onion. Possible headline: Biological Child of Famous People Resembles His Parents

What  I find more interesting is that they failed to note that he inherited his Republican grandfather’s political leanings, as evidenced by the pro-NRA gesture he’s making.

Merry Christmas, Y’all!

Merry Christmas, everybody! I hope you spend it in whatever way is meaningful to you.

New and busted:

Old hotness:

Be back soon

Sorry for the radio silence. I’m attending a family funeral in East BF, South Carolina, and there’s nothing to talk about. Except how little there is to do here. I’m not actually bored, because it’s been nice to catch up with relatives who I haven’t seen in as many as 15 years and I brought a ton of books and music, but I can see how the effort to entertain myself might start to wear on me soon. Also, why do I find the countryside in other countries charming, but not so much in the US? Canadian boonies? Cute! English boonies? Inspiring. French boonies? Lovely. American boonies? Sad.

A woman’s prerogative

I keep changing the theme of this blog, mostly because it doesn’t look on the screen the way I imagine it in my head. I’m pretty much crap at coding, so I’m probably not going to make my own theme anytime soon. I really liked some of my old themes, but I think that six months of looking at the same background is pretty much my limit.

Australia’s unrelenting awesomeness

Australians are awesome, as long as you allow them to bring up Paul Hogan first (if ever) and avoid ordering Foster’s beer in front of them (or anywhere else, either; Foster’s: Australian for crap). Aside from containing awesome Aussies (who always seem to be traveling/visiting/living/working someplace else anyway), Australia also has great weather, at least from a North American standpoint. When we’re burning up during our summer, most of Oz is experiencing an awesome, snowy winter. When we can’t feel our fingers or toes, they’re on the beach in their swimsuits. But what’s going on in Australian during the rainy season that debuted in much of the North American East Coast this year? For that matter, what’s going on here? Why do we have four seasons, anyway?

Because the British said so, and apparently that’s good enough for us. I do find it strange that I never questioned this before. It’s been pretty clear for the last several years that the whole “winter-spring-summer-fall” model of weather isn’t the best at capturing exactly what seems to be happening around here, meteorologically speaking.

You know who’s not taking that British-mandated 4-season thing lying down? The Aussies. And maybe we should considered joining them in their stand against such a small number of out-moded, not descriptive enough seasons. Plus, more seasons = more end of the season sales. Everybody’s a winner.

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