Category: Shoes

You shouldn’t be able to wear Louboutins until you can legally drink

I think it’s pretty hilarious and awesome that Selena Gomez (who?) wouldn’t take off her high heels when my favorite building-exiter ever, Justin Bieber, asked her to, but my rah rah girlpower mood was kind of killed when I realized that she’s wearing ~$700 shoes in the accompanying picture. I’m not wishing an excess of teenage angst or even acne on the kid, but seriously? Let the grown-ups handle the designer footwear, kiddo.

Dollhouse is finally worth watching

I’ve been watching Dollhouse, Joss Whedon’s new show, since its pilot. I wanted for so many reasons to like it:

  • It was created by Joss Whedon, who I will always love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • It stars Eliza Dushku, who played the complicated and interesting Faith on Buffy
  • The premise sounded really interesting

Okay, so maybe there were just three reasons that I wanted to like it. But when the show premiered, it became clear to me that maybe these things were actually liabilities. Joss Whedon is a god to a certain subset of television and movie watchers, but Buffy and Angel were a long time ago, and Firefly didn’t even last an entire season. Sure, he did well with Dr. Horrible (although I believe I made my feelings on that one pretty clear), but you’re only as good as your last show, and I’m not sure that Internet sensations count.

Second, Eliza Dushku is not a great actress. She was the perfect person to play the tough, conflicted Faith, but she’s much less convincing on Dollhouse when she’s supposed to be nice and harmless. It’s gotten to the point where casting her conveys the same message as casting Lucy Lawless: watch out for this one, she’ll hurt you bad. I never quite buy it when other characters look at Echo’s Persona of the Week and fail to notice the danger. For example, on tonight’s episode, “Echoes”, they had her running around a college campus in an outfit that screams “late 90s” (complete with a miniscule skirt and almost thigh-high socks!) and wearing high-heeled Mary Janes. Who else but a freakishly tough woman could withstand hours of kinky sex, motorcycle-riding, and sneaking around in those things? I know that I probably would have only had the fortitude to get around to the first two things on that list.

Third, the premise seems more ridiculous each week. The idea is that there is a group of beautiful people who are essentially blank slates and for incredible sums of money (usually), individuals, corporations, the government, etc. can have these blank slates imprinted with any set of memories or skill set they desire. So Echo the Doll can become sex-kitten Alice, and then go back to being Echo when the engagement is over. And aside from the fact that the technology seems to keep finding newer and more spectacular ways of failing (no spoilers, but if you’ve seen next week’s preview, you know what I’m talking about), some of the assignments just don’t make sense. Why would a couple use a Doll as a midwife? Why pay a boatload of money when a real midwife could be had for considerably less? Or as a hostage negotiator? Why shell out a lot of money on a fake negotiator when one would presumably soon also be paying a ransom? The given excuse of the need for privacy seemed pretty flimsy. I can’t imagine many negotiators make it a practice to blab about their assignments once they’re completed. And, anyway, what value did Echo add in that situation? Due to the way she was programmed, she actually kind of arsed it up before damage control and more Dolls helped save the day.

And why is Echo working in LA, when that’s where she became a Doll? Episode 6 revealed that there are 20 Dollhouses around the world (why is the LA house the only one that seems to have reached the status of urban legend?), so what sense does it make to have her stay in the city where she started out? She’s already been recognized while on an engagement, and the more assignments she does, the more likely this is to happen again. This 20 Dollhouse thing feels to me like Joss is already tweaking the established mythology, although I am glad that he did not wait six seasons to reveal that there are a lot of other Dollhouses, so this main Dollhouse is less special. It seems that I may be harboring a little residual bitterness about the Slayerettes that popped up in season 7. My bad.

I’ve said more about this than I thought I would, and this post is already excessively wordy, so I will save my thoughts on the Dollhouse staff and other Dolls for some other time.

Things I Did Not Buy Today 2

19_magical_t_cross_t_evening_blk_005medThese Delman shoes are awesome, but I did not buy them! They retail for $195, and were going for $68 (thanks to the always awesome Gilt Group), but I can be honest enough to admit that they were a want, not a need. I’m trying to be strong, but the world is full of lovely things that can be bought! Right now, I’m about to blow over $100 on yarn, but that is always money well spent, and I will definitely use it!

Also, it’s a good thing I finished those booties and gave them to my coworker on Thursday, because his son was born on Friday!


Yesterday I accidentally discovered Uniqlo. Obviously, the store existed before I arrived in SoHo and, thanks to the many posts devoted to it on Gothamist, I did know that it was there, but I hadn’t realized that it was so close to my destination. I saw it immediately upon exiting the subway and was very curious, but wanted to get to Helen Wang before the store closed. I figured that Uniqlo was larger and on a main street and would probably stay open longer, and I was correct on all three counts.

I tried on lots of pretty, girly dresses at Helen Wang, but apparently Helen is not interested in the fact that some of us have boobs. The size 6s and 8s fit everywhere except for across my girls, which made me sad. A LOT of that stuff was gorgeous, and I guess it’s probably a good thing for me that I couldn’t fit into most of it. There were some sun dresses that fit okay, but I found them a little boring. I ended up getting a cute, loose-fitting dress that put me in mind of something that Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl would wear. I really don’t know what that says about me. I’m still putting things together in my mind, but if I go somewhere formal for New Year’s Eve, this is definitely what I’d wear.

So I meandered after leaving Helen Wang, and went into some other stores on Mercer. Lots of sales, but nothing that I would buy even for any reason other than the fact that it was a good deal. So off to Uniqlo I went, where the first thing I saw was really a cute cashmere pullover for $40. It really makes no sense that they can sell things so inexpensively (not that I’m complaining, just confused). Initially, I picked up one of those, but when I went to the fitting room for the first time, I saw that that shirt had some schmutz on it. I’m not picky, but I’d like to believe that my clothes are clean when I buy them (because it’s not like I wash them before wearing. Shut up). Also, my like for the shirt was closely tied to the high quality fabric at a low price, and I felt little admiration for the item itself, so I passed on getting a newer, hopefully cleaner shirt.

I tried on a cute white pea coat that put me in the mind of this Bailey 44 coat I tried on earlier that day, but which cost $341. It wouldn’t have been the most I’d ever spent on a coat, but that’s not exactly the best rationale ever for buying something, now is it? The skirts at Uniqlo were kind of cute, but the lengths did nothing for me. They were either too long and made me look stumpy AND frumpy or too short and made me look trashy. I did end up buying a cute corduroy pencil skirt that my mom cautioned me against wearing to work (as if I ever would). I was just about to leave when a cute, extremely personable salesguy came by and offered me his opinion on the pea coat (I was looking for it in black, but he thought the white looked better). He also talked me into trying on skinny jeans, which he said would look really good on me (he was right, damn him) and a pale lavender shirt, which I’m not completely sold on, but can appreciate in the abstract. I got that same shirt in several colors, but I did draw the line at the shade of green he tried to get me to buy it in; I’m not a fir green kind of person.

In the end, I got a lot of stuff that I like but didn’t necessarily need, so I decided that I should end my night by buying something that I did need: new sneakers. I have owned my Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars since the night in September of 2006 of the Heroes series premiere, and decided that the broken elastic and ripped side of my shoes meant I could go ahead and replace them without feeling wasteful. I got home exactly 30 minutes after boarding the bus at Port Authority, which was pretty sweet, and my evening only improved when I found out that Monday was the season premiere of Chuck and Life, and that this week’s Gossip Girl was everything I dreamed of. I watched Chuck while eating dinner, and then watched Gossip Girl during the changing breaks in the new fashion show of that I put on for my mother. I’m only halfway through Heroes because those people are kind of boring me right now, but I hope that I’m in a better frame of mind to watch it tomorrow.

This is the best picture my mom took

This is the best picture my mom took

but this is the best picture of the dress...

but this is the best picture of the dress...

The price I pay for vanity

I bought these shoes for Christine’s wedding:

Gorgeous shoes of death

Gorgeous shoes of death

They are really pretty, but I suspect that they might not be the most comfortable things ever. I’ve been wearing them for the last fifteen minutes just to get used to them, and I feel like they’re restricting the blood flow to my feet. AND I’M NOT EVEN WALKING AROUND IN THEM. This is not a good sign.

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