Category: Jason Mraz

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everybody! I hope your 2010 is off to a lovely start.

Satanski and I were watching videos online and I realized that I never posted this one. Jason Mraz + Sesame Street = Two great tastes that taste great together. My nephew was really confused as to why Jason Mraz was on Sesame Street, but thought it was cool to see Mraz singing with Elmo and Big Bird.


He’s no 3-year-old Korean kid, but Jason Mraz is pretty freaking cute himself.


This video, which only the Amish and Osama Bin Laden haven’t seen, has only strengthened my desire to have an Asian child. The kid’s talent is undeniable, but for me, the real selling point is the faces that he makes throughout.

Also, as adorable as this is, I’ve seen it a lot in the last several days, so all of those who know of my obsession with Jason Mraz should feel free to cease sending it to me.

Random thoughts

1) I am definitely not going to Rhinebeck. Sad face.

2) Somebody took the space on the bus that I gave up, so I will be getting a refund. Happy face.

3) Brandi Carlile having the Twins is almost as awesome as Jason Mraz having a Toca.

Week o’Concerts

I saw the Beautifiul Small Machines on Tuesday night. They were at Ella Lounge, in the venue’s tiny basement, which was filled with smoke (machine-made, not from cigarettes). We walked in on the tail end of the previous set, which featured a DJ on a MacBook Pro and some guy on a guitar. Pass. One couple was even playing with a light saber-ish thingie that looked cute in the smoke, but kind of made people freak when the beam landed on them. When it landed on me I waved, and the girl scowled. Who knows what that means?

BSM’s set was great. The band seemed to be having a great time, although Bree Sharp got really emotional and said that she thought it would be her last show with the band, which was also going to be getting some new members. What does this mean? She wasn’t clear, and the band’s web sites aren’t elaborating. Bummer!

On Wednesday, I saw Ingrid Michaelson. She was fabulous! I’ve gotten over my confusion from this past summer, and have decided that Jason Mraz is definitely my favorite singer; still, she’s a close second. In my mind, Ingrid Michaelson is actually the female Mraz. She’s a great singer with an amazing voice, she’s funny, she a little hippie-ish, and she talks incessantly between songs. I wasn’t in the mood to be expansive and open-minded and did not end up seeing the opening acts, but she performed for a really long time and I was more than pleased with the quality and amount of music I heard last night.

Also, funnily enough, after I said last week that I wouldn’t recognize former Project Runway contestants if I passed them in the street, who did I pass on the street but Nicholas! Granted, he’s part of the current crop of designers, so I see his mug every week, but it still cracks me up. Look at the power of my mind! Here’s another one: I wouldn’t recognize a million dollars if it landed in my bank account. Okay, universe, it’s your turn again.

Jason Mraz at Mohegan Sun, July 31, 2009

As I said earlier, I really enjoyed Jason Mraz’s concert on Friday at Mohegan Sun. He really seemed to enjoy himself, and performed for nearly two hours. He did sets on both a large main stage, and then a more intimate acoustic stage. I thought I’d died and gone to aural heaven. It was pretty awesome. I don’t have the set list yet, but I’ll update this post when it’s available. I’m guessing that at least one person in the packed arena taped the concert, so I’m providing a link to Mraz’s 2009 concerts download page. If you’re not familiar with his taping policy, Jason Mraz allows tapers to record and upload every show that he does (provided the venue doesn’t prohibit it), so there are hundreds of his shows available from

Mraz 2009 shows // Mraz concerts by year

His energy was amazing. He sang his heart out, and he sounded great. I’ve definitely heard him sound a little worn out or hoarse, and that was not the case this concert. He did a great reggae-influenced version of “The Remedy,” and then did this energetic cover of Lionel Richie’s “All Night Long.” He also performed my new favorite song, “Never Too Late (The Only Life You Can Save).” This version was different from the one he did in England and Ireland, and honestly, I prefer the way I initially heard it. He left out my favorite line, “Be glad to be along for the ride.” I want to say “burn” every time I hear that, and think it would be a shame if it didn’t make the final cut. On the train on the way up, I listened to one of his concerts from 2001, and heard early versions of “The Dreamlife of Rand McNally” and “Better,” and definitely felt that I enjoyed what they became more than what they started out as.

I could not stop smiling and dancing during this concert, and am so glad that I decided to go to it. I’m sorry that I’ll be in California during the rest of his New York and New Jersey concerts, and that I can’t go to the Boston concert I expected to see, but this was such a great concert that I really can’t have too many regrets.

Also: you’ll notice that I finally broke down and made a Jason Mraz category. I figure that if I’m going to talk about him this often, I should just make it clear that ~80% of my music posts are going to somehow involve him.

Some pics

Yesterday’s concert at Mohegan Sun was awesome. Amazing, even. It was definitely in my top 5 Mraz concerts ever. Considering that I’ve been to six of his concerts in less than a year, that’s really saying something. Right now I’m exhausted, so I’m taking myself off to bed soon, but I’ll share a couple of pics.

I’ll go into more detail about the concert in general and Mohegan Sun in the near future.


I’m on the train from New York up to Mohegan Sun. I’m excited partly because I get to see Jason Mraz again for the first time since April, but also because I’ve never been to Mohegan Sun before. I haven’t been to a casino lately, so I’m itching to be parted with my standard $20.

I still have five hours before the concert, so it’s too early to start listening to Mraz. Thankfully, my good friend Ingrid Michaelson is here to keep me company.
I’m bringing my camera, but the concert has assigned seating, so I don’t know how well any pictures will come out. If they’re not terrible, I’ll post them tomorrow.


The tiny part of my heart that is not shriveled up and black loves this wedding entrance so much. Makes me feel like I’m not such a freak for wanting to march out of the church to Jason Mraz’s “Butterfly,” which ends with joyous repetitions of the phrase “You’ve got it all, you’ve got it all, you’ve got it all.” Anyway, I know that I would love to attend a wedding like this, and as much as I might play it cool, I’d probably have a blast if I could be one of the dancers.

Music crisis

Jason Mraz has been my favorite musician since 2003. I have followed him all over the Northern Hemisphere, and so far I’ve seen him twice in 2009; I already have tickets to two other shows later in the year. Now, however, I feel like I may have another favorite musician, and I’m not sure that Mraz is still #1 in my head. Ingrid Michaelson’s music has been in my head ever since I first heard it, and everything that I hear just makes me like her more. Her use of harmony is especially attractive to me, but I love her songwriting skills, too. I just think that a lot of what she says speaks to me more than Mraz. She uses clever turns of phrase, maybe not as often as he does, but I just get what she’s saying. I have played “The Chain” and “Keep Breathing” over and over, and they’re now the top two songs in my collection, in terms of play count. There are six songs from that cd, Be Okay, in my top 25.

But I don’t really want to choose. I want my great musical loves to love one another. If these two reproduced, they’d have a really cute kid who would probably throw tantrums in perfect pitch. Ingrid opened up for Jason last year, and here’s a video of them doing one of her songs, then one of his.

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