Posts tagged: Weather

Stupid winter

I am hating all the snow we’re having this winter. I hate having to wear my cute-for-snowboots-but-still-snowboots everywhere, I hate seeing ugly dirty snow all over. And I hate when I have to go to work in awful weather. Getting around is no fun when everybody is driving 15 mph. The worst thing, though, is getting my hopes up when bad weather is forecast and then having it not happen. Universe!!! If you make weatherpeople, aka your minions, believe that another snowtastrophe is going to happen, it damn well better happen.

Bear alert!

ACK! I thought I posted this on Saturday, so that’s how I’m going to date it. You’re not hallucinating, this post wasn’t always here. What gives, WordPress??


Although it isn’t snowing here (yet?), it started to snow during the middle of the day in parts further south. For the people of Washington DC, who greet every snow storm with great trepidation, today’s forecast of approximately 30 inches of snow produced supermarket runs and staple-hoarding rivaling only the bomb shelter preparation of the 1950s. Shepard Smith, one of the few cable newsdudes whom I can identify on sight AND don’t hate at all, basically laughed at the nation’s capitol throughout the entire segment on DC’s weather.

Australia’s unrelenting awesomeness

Australians are awesome, as long as you allow them to bring up Paul Hogan first (if ever) and avoid ordering Foster’s beer in front of them (or anywhere else, either; Foster’s: Australian for crap). Aside from containing awesome Aussies (who always seem to be traveling/visiting/living/working someplace else anyway), Australia also has great weather, at least from a North American standpoint. When we’re burning up during our summer, most of Oz is experiencing an awesome, snowy winter. When we can’t feel our fingers or toes, they’re on the beach in their swimsuits. But what’s going on in Australian during the rainy season that debuted in much of the North American East Coast this year? For that matter, what’s going on here? Why do we have four seasons, anyway?

Because the British said so, and apparently that’s good enough for us. I do find it strange that I never questioned this before. It’s been pretty clear for the last several years that the whole “winter-spring-summer-fall” model of weather isn’t the best at capturing exactly what seems to be happening around here, meteorologically speaking.

You know who’s not taking that British-mandated 4-season thing lying down? The Aussies. And maybe we should considered joining them in their stand against such a small number of out-moded, not descriptive enough seasons. Plus, more seasons = more end of the season sales. Everybody’s a winner.

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