New favorite thing ever

I think that I may have found my new favorite thing to do: speed dating! It sounds crazy, but I had a great time talking to all of those guys last night. Five minutes meant that we were almost never finished talking before time was up (except for one jerky guy who not only finished talking but actually GOT UP FROM THE TABLE early) and I just had a good time talking to random guys. I had conversations about the Mets, my travels, India, fashion, my job, crazy people, psychology professors (but I repeat myself), advanced degrees, and I even got to speak in French! That was pretty awesome. The whole evening, from meeting new people to the girls’ night atmosphere, was so fun.
I couldn’t really remember who was who, but that didn’t actually matter too much to me. The other girls were able to keep guys straight in their heads (or on their sheets) who was who, and they helped jog my memory. On the web site that set up the event, I was able to choose my “matches,” AKA people I wouldn’t mind meeting up with again. Too bad you couldn’t pick other girls; some of them were pretty cool and I’d definitely get drinks with them. Anyway, two of the guys who I picked also picked me, so I’m feeling pretty good right now 🙂

  • By cremelloquarterpony, September 26, 2008 @ 2:22 pm

    That is awesome! Good luck! I hope you have lots of fun date stories to share soon!

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