Posts tagged: Dating


I go away for a few days and WordPress goes and changes everything…including my avatar, which was formerly a photo of my adorable nephew. Weird. I’m still angry with the Mets right now, and do not prefer to have their logo represent me on WordPress.

I haven’t been doing too much lately. Except for knitting. I’ve been doing a lot of knitting. And frogging. I’m never so OCD as when I’m knitting, and then I get this perfectionist streak that is completely at odds with the fact that I still don’t pay as much attention as I should to what I’m making. That’s because I need to watch something when I’m knitting.

Recently, I’ve seen 27 Dresses, Enchanted, Step Up (I’m a bit ashamed about that one), and I started Made of Honor, but I find the pratfalls a bit much and haven’t yet resumed from Dempsey’s second face plant in a single scene. I finished up the third and final season of Veronica Mars, and I’ve now moved on to Cupid, which I just learned is on youtube. How awesome. I remember loving that show, but the details are blurry at this point. I’m pleased that it’s as smart and funny as I remember, and that the wardrobe and hair isn’t so dated as to be a total distraction. I’ve also been really into Chuck lately, and it’s gotten so good that I even watch it before Gossip Girl! Heroes is still stupid, but not as single-mindedly moronic as it was earlier in the season, so I’ve resumed watching it on Monday, instead of allowing several episodes to pile up and then watching them all at once.

I’m about to be single single again (as opposed to mostly single), so that should leave me even more time to 1) make socks and 2) not make any of the Christmas presents I intended to knit.

I cannot believe how quickly summer/autumn happened, and that it will be winter in just a couple of weeks.

Bullet dodged

I got a nastygram yesterday from a guy who I met through the STRICTLY PLATONIC section of Craigslist. He was nice enough, but I knew right away that nothing more than friendship was going to exist between us. He was older than I would have liked and really short. I like my heels. We had an enjoyable time dancing to 80s music, but I didn’t let him buy me drinks or anything, because I knew how I felt about him and wanted to keep things equal and platonic. We said that we might see about hanging out, and later made plans to meet up a few weeks down the line.

Then my work schedule changed and I wrote him to let him know that I wouldn’t be able to hang out on the date we’d settled on. He tried to convince me to hang out for a bit, but I didn’t want to go into the city at 10 only to come home again at 1:30, and I wouldn’t have been able to stay out much past that. He copped a major attitude when I said I didn’t want to go into the city and come home early, and that I also wasn’t interested in paying for car service from Manhattan to my home. He offered to chip in half, but $35 to hang out with a nice guy who didn’t make much of an impression on me wasn’t very reasonable (I didn’t put it like that, though). I had at first considered rescheduling, but he acted like such a jerk about the whole thing that I decided not to even bother. Anyway, I guess he thought that his passive-agressive emails to me were going to make me want to see him again. Not so much, no. So he wrote me out of the blue today to try to make me feel bad for not being in contact with him and to say “bye” to me. Really? Bye? I’d written him off a month ago. I thought about writing him back to bitch him out, or even to be really sweet and make him feel bad about being such a jerk, but it’s not necessary. I’m well rid of that kind of person, and it’s not worth pursuing the matter.

New favorite thing ever

I think that I may have found my new favorite thing to do: speed dating! It sounds crazy, but I had a great time talking to all of those guys last night. Five minutes meant that we were almost never finished talking before time was up (except for one jerky guy who not only finished talking but actually GOT UP FROM THE TABLE early) and I just had a good time talking to random guys. I had conversations about the Mets, my travels, India, fashion, my job, crazy people, psychology professors (but I repeat myself), advanced degrees, and I even got to speak in French! That was pretty awesome. The whole evening, from meeting new people to the girls’ night atmosphere, was so fun.
I couldn’t really remember who was who, but that didn’t actually matter too much to me. The other girls were able to keep guys straight in their heads (or on their sheets) who was who, and they helped jog my memory. On the web site that set up the event, I was able to choose my “matches,” AKA people I wouldn’t mind meeting up with again. Too bad you couldn’t pick other girls; some of them were pretty cool and I’d definitely get drinks with them. Anyway, two of the guys who I picked also picked me, so I’m feeling pretty good right now 🙂

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