Posts tagged: Charity

Another way to help Haiti

I don’t visit knitting blogs a lot, unless I’m looking at a post related to a specific item or technique. Today, though, I was looking through Ravelry profiles and decided to visit the knitblog maintained by a friend from college because I was fascinated by the post’s title: A Scarf for Haiti. And that’s how I learned about HeartsforHaiti, an Etsy store where craftsters donate all of the items, and all proceeds (minus Etsy and Paypal fees) go to Doctors Without Borders. What a great idea!

A friend of mine had emailed me this morning to suggest that we get together this weekend and knit a spiral scarf, and I always work better with a specific goal/recipient in mind, so now I can make this scarf and donate it to this shop. Also, now I can buy something nice for myself and know that I’m supporting a good cause while doing it. Win all around!

Help create the next Barack Obama

You can help set in motion the events that could produce the next Barack Obama. How? For the low, low amount of $10, you can donate to Nothing But Nets, an organization that provides refugee children in Africa with an anti-malarial net that protect them from deadly disease. But what does that have to do with Barack Obama, you ask? Well, with that net, some nice young African man or woman can stay alive long enough to attend school, come to the United States to further his or her education, and marry some American person. Then, in four and a half decades, that offspring could become our next commander-in-chief. So, as you can see, the real winner here is us. If you’d like to donate through my team (which isn’t even a real team, but I’ve always liked signing up for stuff), click here. If you’d like to start your own team, you can do that, too. Please at least check out the Nothing But Nets web site, if you’d like more information or if you’re thinking about giving.

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