Category: Entertainers

Channing Tatum the Sexiest Man Alive? I think not.

What? No!

Ugh. Let’s be real here: Channing Tatum could be all by himself and wouldn’t even be the sexiest guy in the room. I have no dog in this fight, per se, but I think it reflects badly on all of America when our foremost schmaltz-peddling magazine is incapable of accurately identifying truly sexy men to objectify.

So, to recap, People Magazine chose Channing Tatum:

Looking better, Charming Potato, but seriously?

Over any of these people who I came up with after .04 seconds of thought.

The Tater’s best is still not even in this guy’s league.


He’s too pretty not to post twice.

Or this guy’s.

Or this guy’s (fyi, Chris Pine is totally worthy of being sent a ham).

Also, I’m not alone in this opinion (tingly part warning: this post contains a squijillion pics of Ryan Gosling, fyi).

Really, ladies?

Dear Chris Brown/other assault-y scumbags –

Buzzfeed has helpfully compiled a list of 25 women with no self-respect. I’m sure that there are plenty more women out there who helpfully posted similar opinions on various social networks, and that Buzzfeed’s editors just got too depressed to highlight any more of them.

Here’s a sampler of that list:

hello, daddy issues


The greatest thing ever

This guy‘s two nights in Miami are just like The Hangover. Except without friends, Mike Tyson, an ill-advised marriage, or a pissed-off tiger. Also unlike that movie (I haven’t seen the second one, so let’s just pretend it doesn’t exist), the roofied shenanigans of famous-in-Philly meteorologist John Bolaris had actual consequences. AmEx ruined his credit, but then had to pay him damages; let’s put this one in the “Good” column. His job first suspended him, and then went ahead and fired him all the way; that would go in the “Not Good” column. This table is further developed below.

While this story added nothing to my life and just reminded me that I’m an awful person who will laugh at anything, I am grateful that I read this article, if only for the following words: “In Philly, weathermen and chefs are stars. John has been a huge star in Philly for years.” Sixth borough (are people still trying to make that one happen?), I love you so.

GoodNot Good
AmEx paid him damagesAfter they'd refused to reverse the roofie charges and ruined his credit score.
He had the possibility of getting laidHe was roofied instead by beautiful women who made him buy expensive stuff
He awaked the next day alive and okayHe went out with the roofiers again, because they were still beautiful women
He cares enough about meteorology that he gave the forecast over his Twitter account when he was suspendedIt's a good thing that he finds intrinsic satisfaction in his job, because he was first suspended, and then fired, and no longer receives money for doing it.
He apparently had no idea that his credit card could send him text alerts about what is happening on his account
He apparently values the potential for sex more than he does his own welfare.

Total downgrade

Seriously, Kal Penn???

Sigh. Giggle. Sigh.

I would very much like to be Edith Zimmerman when I grow up. Why?

Is it because she does adorable crafts? No. I also do adorable crafts.

Is it because she is the editor and a popular blogger on a well-known web site? No, I’m far too lazy to admire that sort of consistent productivity.

The reason that Edith is my new hero is that she somehow managed to turn what could have been another boring celebrity profile, this time of Chris Evans, into something that completely transcends the celebrity profile genre. There’s humor, there’s pathos, there’s pecs. Allegedly.

Since we’re the same age and live concurrently, there’s no possible way for me to be reincarnated as Edith, but I’d like to live a day in her life, or at least somehow get the opportunity to give her first-hand information about what Chris Evan’s chest feels like.

Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?

Wayne Brady holds a special place in my heart. He has been a part of some really funny pop culture moments, and seems to have an excellent sense of the ridiculous.

Here’s his epic Chapelle Show appearance:

And a recent Funny or Die skit that he did with Mike Tyson, where they did a frame by frame recreation of Bobby Brown’s 80s-licious video for “Every Little Step I Take.”

For comparison’s sake, here is the original Bobby Brown video:

Things like this are why I always smile when I think of Wayne Brady.

(Via New York Magazine)

Wednesday warm and fuzzies

Here’s a video of Lenny Kravitz randomly hearing and joining a teenaged choir who were performing one of his songs. I found this link via this Metafilter thread, which features several people questioning whether this occasion was staged. My take: no. The production values were pretty…rough, and the circumstances seemed less than ideal for a truly awesome outdoor performance. I mean, it shouldn’t matter anyway, but why not take something like this at face value? What does it hurt us to go out on a limb and trust sometimes? What would one lose by believing that this was real, and having it turn out not to be true? Even if watching this video added nothing to your life, it certainly didn’t subtract anything.

Anyway, another reason I liked that Metafilter post was because through the comments I got to read this story about Mel Tormé (if that name is not familiar to you, just know that Mel Tormé was awesome), and I found it enjoyable and moving for no particular reason at all.

Happy Wednesday!


Update: The video that I linked to has been removed from Youtube, but f you haven’t seen it, you can do a google search. Suggested keywords: Justin Bieber, door, glass, lolz, etc.

I will go back to ignoring his existence in a minute, but this video of Justin Bieber walking into a glass door is too funny to miss.

I know, I’m a jerk.

Wow, I’m really glad that, despite being in sincere pain, David Boreanaz is soldiering on through the tough times that he has experienced since it became common knowledge that he cheated on his wife (there have been rumors about his infidelity forever, but he had to come clean in order to head off an extortion attempt). A lot of guys wouldn’t be able to keep going. They might even miss the cut at Quail Hollow. But David, well, he’s a trooper. He’s not going to let the man (or woman) bring him down! This kind of internal fortitude must be why he was able to so convincingly play first a vampire, then an FBI agent, for all these years.

I had the hugest crush on him in high school, but I’m happy it died a natural death before this happened.

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