Category: Knitting

Not even for irony’s sake would I knit these

Vogue Knitting Magazine is having a sale on all of their patterns, which is kind of awesome. There are lots of pretty things that I’d love to knit if I had unlimited time and an endless yarn budget. Here are some patterns that I like:

Then there are things that I would have to be already dead to be seen in.


How to be alone

Here’s a great short film about how to be on your own. I love my own company, and I can’t always stand to be around other people. A lot of people I know can’t do anything on their own, which I think is sad, but the next time somebody asks me why I like to go off on my own, I’m going to show him or her this video.

Knitting little nightmares

These knitting dissected-animal thingies are weird, but in the spirit of what I want to knit when I get old and crochety (that not a pun, since I don’t crochet, I just plan to be the grumpiest granny ever). (via Slightly Warped’s Curiosities)

The kind of stealth “crime” I can get behind

I think the idea of guerilla knitting/crocheting is pretty badass. If ever there were a victimless crime, this would be it. I support any sort of vandalism that beautifies the world, instead of assaulting the eyes.

Time flies

It’s February. How the heck did that happen?? The world seems to be moving too fast for me these days. I’ve also been lazy about posting (and after I’d started off so well). What have I been up to? Just hanging with family and friends and knitting. Here’s a hat that I made for myself. I am ridiculously proud, especially of the pompom. My mother and Satanski have already put in orders for similarly awesome hats. And if you know anybody with a gigantic head, I accidentally made a slightly massive one first, so that’s up for grabs (pompom optional).

Photo on 2010-01-27 at 03.06 #2

Photo on 2010-01-27 at 03.08 #2

Another way to help Haiti

I don’t visit knitting blogs a lot, unless I’m looking at a post related to a specific item or technique. Today, though, I was looking through Ravelry profiles and decided to visit the knitblog maintained by a friend from college because I was fascinated by the post’s title: A Scarf for Haiti. And that’s how I learned about HeartsforHaiti, an Etsy store where craftsters donate all of the items, and all proceeds (minus Etsy and Paypal fees) go to Doctors Without Borders. What a great idea!

A friend of mine had emailed me this morning to suggest that we get together this weekend and knit a spiral scarf, and I always work better with a specific goal/recipient in mind, so now I can make this scarf and donate it to this shop. Also, now I can buy something nice for myself and know that I’m supporting a good cause while doing it. Win all around!

Countdown to Project Runway

After what seems like years of legal wrangling between Lifetime, The Weinstein Company, and NBC Universal , Project Runway’s first season on Lifetime starts tomorrow. I’m really excited, but aside from briefly looking at the photos and bios of the new contestants, I haven’t tried to find out anything about this season. I want to be surprised, and not to hate any of the contestants until the editors have provided me with a reason. I’m starting a new scarf, so I’ll have something else to focus on if the first episode is as underwhelming as PR season openers usually are.

Vacation all I ever wanted

I am 99% of the way finished with my socks, and I will absolutely NOT have to take them with me on vacation. I’ll be able to start blocking them before I leave for the airport, and I trust my mom enough to send them off after they’re dry. I’m bringing another pair of socks to work on while I’m away, but I’m not sure how much knitting I’ll get around to once I’m off the plane.

I’m going to be suffering at work for a few more hours (hey, I’m happy to have a job, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t find it annoying every now and then), and then I go home to take one more look at my suitcase (why do I feel the need to pack so many shirts? I will not appreciate that when I’m the one hauling that suitcase all over Ireland and the UK), and then I go the airport to make my way across the Atlantic. I’m so stoked!!! I haven’t been on a long-ish vacation since August, and this time I’m going by myself, so I’ll definitely get a chance to recharge my batteries.

I’m bringing my computer because I am a hopeless geek, but I’m not sure that I’ll be posting stuff to this site.

On the QT

I’ve been really busy for the last couple of days, getting ready for my grand Irish adventure. I’m leaving tomorrow night, so it’s really crunch time. I’m ALMOST finished with these socks, which are coming out well. I’m actually knitting now, so chances seem good that I will not have to finish them and then mail them back from Belfast. All before, my “knitting” consisted of doing a couple of rows while watching a lot of tv, so now I’m actually knitting more than anything else and seeing the results really quickly. If I didn’t have to work right now, I’d probably be finished by 9:30. I have to do as much as I can here, though, because I still have to pack once I get home. Good thing I already finished my laundry!

Things I Did Not Buy Today 2

19_magical_t_cross_t_evening_blk_005medThese Delman shoes are awesome, but I did not buy them! They retail for $195, and were going for $68 (thanks to the always awesome Gilt Group), but I can be honest enough to admit that they were a want, not a need. I’m trying to be strong, but the world is full of lovely things that can be bought! Right now, I’m about to blow over $100 on yarn, but that is always money well spent, and I will definitely use it!

Also, it’s a good thing I finished those booties and gave them to my coworker on Thursday, because his son was born on Friday!

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