Posts tagged: Victoria Hong

You could knock me over with a feather

Holy crap, y’all! Tim Gunn was Irina’s teacher when she was at Parsons!!! How did I not know this? I know that I haven’t paid a TON of attention to the (later) episodes of this season, but I’m fairly certain that this wasn’t mentioned. I have to say that he did a good job of never looking like he was favoring her, nor of treating her any more severely than the other contestants. I also love that Tim had absolutely no problem naming names regarding contestants who he did find obnoxious: Cat-throwing Kenley, Victoria, and Vincent. I still don’t find this season to be as compelling as previous ones, but I am interested to see who wins this Thursday. The smart money is on Irina or Althea, but I hope that Carol Hannah wins. She’s nice, not insane, and would have adorably spacey babies with Logan.

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